Eurozine’s Article Highlights Challenges in EU Recovery Fund Transparency – Featuring Insights from Monithon

A new article in Eurozine tackles the challenges surrounding the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and its implementation across member states. It painstakingly explores critical issues such as transparency, fraud prevention, and the effectiveness of the RRF in achieving its intended goals. Key sources cited in the article are representatives of European institutions and civil society organizations such as the Open Spending EU Coalition.

The article also includes an interview with Dr. Luigi Reggi, co-founder of Monithon, who shares his insights on enhancing accountability and public oversight of EU funds. Dr. Reggi emphasized the importance of civic engagement and public oversight in promoting transparency and accountability. Monithon has been at the forefront of these efforts, working to involve citizens in monitoring EU-funded projects within their communities.

Dr. Reggi advocates for a practical solution that has been proposed by Monithon and other Italian civil society organizations in recent years, such as the umbrella-organization Osservatorio Civico PNRR: replicating the OpenCoesione model. This government platform, which is currently Italy’s national portal for the transparency of EU Cohesion Funds, allows for detailed, accessible data on project funding and progress. These data can be used by the public to monitor and evaluate the use of funds effectively.

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